a friend said to me the other day that this blog is too sad for him to read.. i created this to vent on how i feel, specially when i'm down.. que es cuando tengo tantas cosas en mi mente que necesito soltar un poco y dejar de pensar.. this shall be a different post, no bitching about life.
this past few days have been quiet... not too much has happened..
• an encounter with a ghost.. well.. two encounters actually... wich were good. One was very brief and the other one was.. hmm.. emotional.
• Marel Alemany's latest concert, wich was awesome. Grado Celsius opened for Marel, and let me tell you.. those kids blew my mind away with their talent. Kuddos to Marel and Grado Celsius for giving us such a great concert. [btw, Gina, i'm waiting for the pictures... i guess you'll post then on facebook] if you don't know them, please listen to their music!
• i spent last saturday at las dunas de baní... me dolió no haber tenido mi camara conmigo en un escenario tan.. surreal y bello.. aun asi, mi celularcito se defiende.. tira fotos bastante decentes! aqui estan algunas:
la razón por la que estuve por esos lugares de nuestro país, es que dos de mis amigos de la universidad estaban participando en el Master del Desierto (si.. yo no sé), y mi grupo mas cercano de amigos y yo fuimos a darle apoyo.
as i walked through the sand i listened to one of my favorite bands, the new radicals.. and the lyrics went through my mind they could totally relate to the moment.. it is a wonderful world and it is wonderful to be alive.
to change things up a little bit, this is a happy post..
we humans tend to bitch about all the things that make us unhappy, let's all give thanks for being alive and for being able to live in this beautiful world, specially this country that has such diverse and amazing landscapes.
as i walked through the sand i listened to one of my favorite bands, the new radicals.. and the lyrics went through my mind they could totally relate to the moment.. it is a wonderful world and it is wonderful to be alive.
to change things up a little bit, this is a happy post..
we humans tend to bitch about all the things that make us unhappy, let's all give thanks for being alive and for being able to live in this beautiful world, specially this country that has such diverse and amazing landscapes.