sabes qué?.. ya estoy harta de siempre ser la mala de la película. yo soy la que hace las cosas mal y siempre tiene la culpa...
and you know what?
i seriously need a new coping method.. toy HARTA.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
cartas abiertas para quien las quiera leer.
a ti:
no sé que más decirte. con la edad me he vuelto de pocas palabras.
siempre has confiado en mí, por qué en esta ocasión no lo haces? qué es diferente ahora? no lo sé.. pero mis cambios internos no necesariamente te incumben. cuando yo esté lista hablaré. a mí tiempo.
ahora que lo pienso... sí. es cierto, las cosas han cambiado entre tu y yo. el tiempo y las experiencias hacen que uno cambie... ciertamente ya no soy la misma de hace unos años... es más.. no soy la misma de hace un mes.
tu tampoco.
la paciencia es una virtud... aprende a ser paciente... si no, tendrás muchas decepciones en tu vida.
a ti:
no sé que quieres.. sé que te quiero. sé que me quieres, a tu forma, pero me quieres..
el tiempo... esa constante imperfecta que no le permite ser a ciertas cosas.
dime, hasta que punto la "tranquilidad" es sana?
no sé que más decirte. con la edad me he vuelto de pocas palabras.
siempre has confiado en mí, por qué en esta ocasión no lo haces? qué es diferente ahora? no lo sé.. pero mis cambios internos no necesariamente te incumben. cuando yo esté lista hablaré. a mí tiempo.
ahora que lo pienso... sí. es cierto, las cosas han cambiado entre tu y yo. el tiempo y las experiencias hacen que uno cambie... ciertamente ya no soy la misma de hace unos años... es más.. no soy la misma de hace un mes.
tu tampoco.
la paciencia es una virtud... aprende a ser paciente... si no, tendrás muchas decepciones en tu vida.
a ti:
no sé que quieres.. sé que te quiero. sé que me quieres, a tu forma, pero me quieres..
el tiempo... esa constante imperfecta que no le permite ser a ciertas cosas.
dime, hasta que punto la "tranquilidad" es sana?
Monday, December 1, 2008
se compra nube.
quiero una nube para irme a ella de vez en cuando y alejarme de todas esas preocupaciones y problemas y cosas que me afectan a diario...
sometimes i wish i was numb so that i couldnt feel anything... but just sometimes..
acaso desde mi deseada nube se verán mejor las cosas? no creo.. es solo un inutil intento de huir de los problemas.
these past few days have been weird. lots of things on my mind. lots of mixed feelings. lots of stuff and nothing concrete to say or do.
time to gather thoughts and keep on moving forward.
sometimes i wish i was numb so that i couldnt feel anything... but just sometimes..
acaso desde mi deseada nube se verán mejor las cosas? no creo.. es solo un inutil intento de huir de los problemas.
these past few days have been weird. lots of things on my mind. lots of mixed feelings. lots of stuff and nothing concrete to say or do.
time to gather thoughts and keep on moving forward.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
so many times i've wanted to post stuff here... i've had not time.
here are some things i ranted about in the comfort of notepad.
chasing pavements V19SEPT1008.
creo que es algo inconsciente... la lluvia me baja el animo... principalmente esas lluvias suaves. tal vez sea por el cliche de las peliculas.. pero los momentos de lluvia son perfectos para ponerse a pensar y a meditar en problemas y situaciones... y claro.. como ahora esta lloviendo debemos hacerle honor al tiempo lluvioso.
rant #1
me llega la duda.. acaso el perdonar a alguien te hace una persona debil? every man is an island indeed.. para cada quien esta pregunta tendrá una respuesta distinta.
creo que todo depende de la situacion.. esta duda me surge ya que ciertas personas cercanas a mi tienden a "hold a grudge on people".. i dont do that. i chose what to forgive and what to forget.. just because we dont share the same opinion on what one wouldve done on that situation doesnt give you the chance to critique ME and how i feel... i do the things i do because of how i feel.. those things might hurt me.. but i think that i have to learn for myself, not through what others think.
just like everyone else, im just trying to get by and live life as happily as i can.
...i feel as if i should justify myself to you.. i love you but sometimes you are just too stubborn and dont think things through before you do/say them.. you might be expressing how you feel but sometimes words hurt the people you care for when you
here are some things i ranted about in the comfort of notepad.
chasing pavements V19SEPT1008.
creo que es algo inconsciente... la lluvia me baja el animo... principalmente esas lluvias suaves. tal vez sea por el cliche de las peliculas.. pero los momentos de lluvia son perfectos para ponerse a pensar y a meditar en problemas y situaciones... y claro.. como ahora esta lloviendo debemos hacerle honor al tiempo lluvioso.
rant #1
me llega la duda.. acaso el perdonar a alguien te hace una persona debil? every man is an island indeed.. para cada quien esta pregunta tendrá una respuesta distinta.
creo que todo depende de la situacion.. esta duda me surge ya que ciertas personas cercanas a mi tienden a "hold a grudge on people".. i dont do that. i chose what to forgive and what to forget.. just because we dont share the same opinion on what one wouldve done on that situation doesnt give you the chance to critique ME and how i feel... i do the things i do because of how i feel.. those things might hurt me.. but i think that i have to learn for myself, not through what others think.
just like everyone else, im just trying to get by and live life as happily as i can.
...i feel as if i should justify myself to you.. i love you but sometimes you are just too stubborn and dont think things through before you do/say them.. you might be expressing how you feel but sometimes words hurt the people you care for when you
Saturday, July 19, 2008
sigo sin saber.
asi... como que uno siempre quiere lo que uno no puede tener...
lamentablemente esa es la naturaleza del ser humano.
lamentablemente esa es la naturaleza del ser humano.
Monday, July 14, 2008
la vida es más compleja de lo que parece.
its no secret i dont know what i want... ive stated it before on other posts... en ningun ámbito de mi vida estoy segura de lo que quiero
que no sé si te quiero, que no sé cómo te quiero ni cuánto quererte... ni mucho menos si puedo quererte...
como bien me dice G, es muy fácil decir ciertas cosas.. pero en el momento clave de tomar decisiones y enfrentar todo es que se pone dura la cosa.
the stages one passes with a significant loss can be adapted to any situation... you know what i'm talking about.. denial, acceptance, anger.. estas etapas son así:
1. Denial
2. Bargaining
3. Anger
4. Despair
5. Acceptance
hay ciertas cosas en la vida que uno las niega.. aunque deep down inside you are aware of their existance or their degree ..
some things are happening. we can deny them... be angry at them.. but the thruth is that they exist.
yo ya acepté eso*.
siento que en este año he cambiado tanto.... no soy la misma persona de hace un año... así que eso de decir "tal* cosa no va a pasar"... "yo siento tal* cosa".. "yo no siento tal* cosa"... dejemonos de vainas. nada es absoluto, hoy te puedo querer... mañana tal vez ni quiera querer saber de ti... tal vez te quiera tanto que no sepa ni donde ponerme.. pero lo que si sé es que todo es relativo.
a ti* si que te mantengo en el denial stage... aunque.. pienso que no estoy negando nada pk no existe nada... pero todo puede ser producto de mi imaginación... we won't know for sure hasta que ese momento llegue.... cualquiera que sea "ese" momento.. uggh.. whatever.
me mantengo abierta a todas las posibilidades... whatever comes my way i will learn no deal with it.
i know that these words are not very cohesive... but i needed to get some things out of my chest.. bleh.
que no sé si te quiero, que no sé cómo te quiero ni cuánto quererte... ni mucho menos si puedo quererte...
como bien me dice G, es muy fácil decir ciertas cosas.. pero en el momento clave de tomar decisiones y enfrentar todo es que se pone dura la cosa.
the stages one passes with a significant loss can be adapted to any situation... you know what i'm talking about.. denial, acceptance, anger.. estas etapas son así:
1. Denial
2. Bargaining
3. Anger
4. Despair
5. Acceptance
hay ciertas cosas en la vida que uno las niega.. aunque deep down inside you are aware of their existance or their degree ..
some things are happening. we can deny them... be angry at them.. but the thruth is that they exist.
yo ya acepté eso*.
siento que en este año he cambiado tanto.... no soy la misma persona de hace un año... así que eso de decir "tal* cosa no va a pasar"... "yo siento tal* cosa".. "yo no siento tal* cosa"... dejemonos de vainas. nada es absoluto, hoy te puedo querer... mañana tal vez ni quiera querer saber de ti... tal vez te quiera tanto que no sepa ni donde ponerme.. pero lo que si sé es que todo es relativo.
a ti* si que te mantengo en el denial stage... aunque.. pienso que no estoy negando nada pk no existe nada... pero todo puede ser producto de mi imaginación... we won't know for sure hasta que ese momento llegue.... cualquiera que sea "ese" momento.. uggh.. whatever.
me mantengo abierta a todas las posibilidades... whatever comes my way i will learn no deal with it.
i know that these words are not very cohesive... but i needed to get some things out of my chest.. bleh.
Monday, June 23, 2008
hay veces que uno se entera de ciertas cosas... de cosas con las que uno tal vez no tiene nada que ver, pero que al fin y al cabo, son cosas que a uno le molestan o le duelen. por solo mencionar su nombre mi ser se llena de rabia, frustración y cierta tristeza...
son en estas situaciones en las que uno se da cuenta de sus verdaderos sentimientos y de las cosas que uno ha dejado atrás o no.
son en estas situaciones en las que uno se da cuenta de sus verdaderos sentimientos y de las cosas que uno ha dejado atrás o no.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
y dicen por ahi...
que me dicen que soy fria. que tambien me dicen que tengo si acaso un pelo de egoista; que soy pasiva, que soy retraida, que soy apatica, que soy bonita y que soy comemierda. Hasta me han dicho que soy 'aceitosa'. Dicen que soy sarcastica, que tengo buen sentido del humor y buenas piernas. Que soy timida, que me cuesta coger confianza. Que soy buena amiga y que se escuchar. Dicen que me da mucho trabajo abrirme a las personas (no de esa manera mal pensado!). Que soy antipatica, que soy testaruda y que me gustan las cosas a mi manera (y a quien no?). Dicen que seria "la mejor del mundo". Me han preguntado que donde me he metido en la vida?. Algunos dicen que doy un aire de que me creo la gran vaina... que soy sencilla y complicada. Que pienso demasiado las cosas y no vivo el momento (hasta yo lo digo!!). Que soy obsesiva, que soy inteligente y culta. Me han dicho que soy extraordinary and special. Dicen que soy atenta y cariniosa, que soy indiferente, idealista y realista. Tambien que soy positiva y una persona triste.
y que?
pues soy asi. creo que hay *algo* mejor en la vida... solo debo encontrarlo... pero debo salir a buscarlo... no vendra a mi solo.
que soy pasiva, que soy fria, que soy cariniosa...... soy lo que quieras que sea o lo que TU quieres ver que soy.
al fin y al cabo soy yo. soy la misma Laura y asi soy.
y punto.
y que?
pues soy asi. creo que hay *algo* mejor en la vida... solo debo encontrarlo... pero debo salir a buscarlo... no vendra a mi solo.
que soy pasiva, que soy fria, que soy cariniosa...... soy lo que quieras que sea o lo que TU quieres ver que soy.
al fin y al cabo soy yo. soy la misma Laura y asi soy.
y punto.
Monday, May 19, 2008
where to now?
i am roaming in all this different directions with no direction itself.. i dont know what i want... i fact, i do. i want something more.. i want to be happy, i want to be good at what i do professionally and stand out in it. i want someone that makes me feel like that* and better.
a friend said to me the other day: "dare, let go of your inhibitions, get wild, enjoy life with a conscience".. thats one of the best advices ive gotten lately.. there's something in me that wont let me go on.. something that has been keeping me stuck for quite a while.. how can i get rid of that "something" if i dont know what it is?
another friend and i were discusing this same issue and she said something really interesting:
L: como que tiene que haber algo mas
T: there always is...its just too fucking hard to find...
L: the "something else more"
i know
it sucks
pero como que.... ya
toy harta
its enough
T: what makes us all different from each other is not what we like or dislike, or what happens to us.. its how we deal with those things... giving up is not in your nature, dont give up on this cause you KNOW when you do find what youre looking for, even if it takes you your whole damn life to find it, you wont regret a second ever looking for it...the feeling is just too fucking amazing!!!
you have the right, and the reasons de estar harta...just "take a break and head back on track"
you'll win the race eventually
the problem is... wheres the back on track im supposed to head to? how do i get there? directions anyone?
i hate feeling like this... my mind and my heart need vacations for a while....
i wanna stop feeling like this:
a friend said to me the other day: "dare, let go of your inhibitions, get wild, enjoy life with a conscience".. thats one of the best advices ive gotten lately.. there's something in me that wont let me go on.. something that has been keeping me stuck for quite a while.. how can i get rid of that "something" if i dont know what it is?
another friend and i were discusing this same issue and she said something really interesting:
L: como que tiene que haber algo mas
T: there always is...its just too fucking hard to find...
L: the "something else more"
i know
it sucks
pero como que.... ya
toy harta
its enough
T: what makes us all different from each other is not what we like or dislike, or what happens to us.. its how we deal with those things... giving up is not in your nature, dont give up on this cause you KNOW when you do find what youre looking for, even if it takes you your whole damn life to find it, you wont regret a second ever looking for it...the feeling is just too fucking amazing!!!
you have the right, and the reasons de estar harta...just "take a break and head back on track"
you'll win the race eventually
the problem is... wheres the back on track im supposed to head to? how do i get there? directions anyone?
i hate feeling like this... my mind and my heart need vacations for a while....
i wanna stop feeling like this:
*yo me entiendo
Monday, May 5, 2008
palabras en el aire escritas con tinta de aguacero
the other day i was watching one of my favorite movies, Serendipity... one of the main characters, Sarah, believes that everything happens for a reason, that everything has a meaning.. i believe in that too.. i think that every little thing that happens is a way that the universe has of telling you something. EVERYTHING! from an untied shoe-lace that makes you go in your car a minute or two later, just to make you witness (and not take part in) a car wreck on your way to work.. to having something someone gave you get broken in a random moment (as a sign of that relationship with that person)
también creo que las decisiones que uno toma en la vida te llevan a encrucijadas en las que Dios te da lo que necesitas.. ya sea por el camino más difícil o el más "fácil".... generalmente lo que uno quiere y lo que uno necesita son cosas totalmente distintas.. hay veces que corremos la "suerte" de que eso que queremos es igual a lo que necesitamos, solo a veces... el key del asunto está en que esas dos cosas siempre vayan de la mano, lo cual es muy dificil de lograr..
todos estamos en ese camino.. de saber lo que queremos, y de obtenerlo. most of the time, we tend to get blinded by the little things that happen along the way. we get sidetracked and forget about what we wanted in the first place.
right now im trying to figure out what i want. you might say that's an easy thing, like i thought when i was youger.. back then it was so easy, i always knew what i wanted to study and what i wanted to achieve in life.. as i walk through life some things get blurry. as of now, i am certain i want to get out of here for some time (not permanently). i was sure i wanted to move to Barcelona and do something in graphic design.. which is very basic and i want to do something more specific... something that allows me to stand out from the big community.. the problem is that i don't
know what i like... as simple as that... i guess i have time to explore and make that decision, but since i need a scholarship i don't want to neglect this.
i've also contemplated the idea of moving with my sister (which would be the greatest!) and do some courses till i find the perfect thing in Barcelona.
... i don't know.. but what i do know is that all this uncertainty about EVERYTHING makes me anxious and queasy.
i wish things were simpler y que uno no tuviera que irse tanto en contra de la corriente para lograr lo que uno quiere.
también creo que las decisiones que uno toma en la vida te llevan a encrucijadas en las que Dios te da lo que necesitas.. ya sea por el camino más difícil o el más "fácil".... generalmente lo que uno quiere y lo que uno necesita son cosas totalmente distintas.. hay veces que corremos la "suerte" de que eso que queremos es igual a lo que necesitamos, solo a veces... el key del asunto está en que esas dos cosas siempre vayan de la mano, lo cual es muy dificil de lograr..
todos estamos en ese camino.. de saber lo que queremos, y de obtenerlo. most of the time, we tend to get blinded by the little things that happen along the way. we get sidetracked and forget about what we wanted in the first place.
right now im trying to figure out what i want. you might say that's an easy thing, like i thought when i was youger.. back then it was so easy, i always knew what i wanted to study and what i wanted to achieve in life.. as i walk through life some things get blurry. as of now, i am certain i want to get out of here for some time (not permanently). i was sure i wanted to move to Barcelona and do something in graphic design.. which is very basic and i want to do something more specific... something that allows me to stand out from the big community.. the problem is that i don't

i've also contemplated the idea of moving with my sister (which would be the greatest!) and do some courses till i find the perfect thing in Barcelona.
... i don't know.. but what i do know is that all this uncertainty about EVERYTHING makes me anxious and queasy.
i wish things were simpler y que uno no tuviera que irse tanto en contra de la corriente para lograr lo que uno quiere.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
jehova made this whole joint for you.
it feels like a ton of time since my last post... and this one has been stuck in a draft for several days
a friend said to me the other day that this blog is too sad for him to read.. i created this to vent on how i feel, specially when i'm down.. que es cuando tengo tantas cosas en mi mente que necesito soltar un poco y dejar de pensar.. this shall be a different post, no bitching about life.
this past few days have been quiet... not too much has happened..
• an encounter with a ghost.. well.. two encounters actually... wich were good. One was very brief and the other one was.. hmm.. emotional.

no se por que se ponen asi, si la original está rotada.
right now i'm listening to drexler's cover of radiohead's high & dry... how i love this version, and the original one of course.
a friend said to me the other day that this blog is too sad for him to read.. i created this to vent on how i feel, specially when i'm down.. que es cuando tengo tantas cosas en mi mente que necesito soltar un poco y dejar de pensar.. this shall be a different post, no bitching about life.
this past few days have been quiet... not too much has happened..
• an encounter with a ghost.. well.. two encounters actually... wich were good. One was very brief and the other one was.. hmm.. emotional.
• Marel Alemany's latest concert, wich was awesome. Grado Celsius opened for Marel, and let me tell you.. those kids blew my mind away with their talent. Kuddos to Marel and Grado Celsius for giving us such a great concert. [btw, Gina, i'm waiting for the pictures... i guess you'll post then on facebook] if you don't know them, please listen to their music!
• i spent last saturday at las dunas de baní... me dolió no haber tenido mi camara conmigo en un escenario tan.. surreal y bello.. aun asi, mi celularcito se defiende.. tira fotos bastante decentes! aqui estan algunas:
la razón por la que estuve por esos lugares de nuestro país, es que dos de mis amigos de la universidad estaban participando en el Master del Desierto (si.. yo no sé), y mi grupo mas cercano de amigos y yo fuimos a darle apoyo.
as i walked through the sand i listened to one of my favorite bands, the new radicals.. and the lyrics went through my mind they could totally relate to the moment.. it is a wonderful world and it is wonderful to be alive.
to change things up a little bit, this is a happy post..
we humans tend to bitch about all the things that make us unhappy, let's all give thanks for being alive and for being able to live in this beautiful world, specially this country that has such diverse and amazing landscapes.
as i walked through the sand i listened to one of my favorite bands, the new radicals.. and the lyrics went through my mind they could totally relate to the moment.. it is a wonderful world and it is wonderful to be alive.
to change things up a little bit, this is a happy post..
we humans tend to bitch about all the things that make us unhappy, let's all give thanks for being alive and for being able to live in this beautiful world, specially this country that has such diverse and amazing landscapes.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
a un millón de años luz
from one moment to the other.. all is great and in place. peachy. next thing i know i'm crying and you're making me go through an emotional downward spiral. i'm sure you don't mean to do it. you probably don't know you do that to me. i think you actually don't know the reaction you can cause on me.
it's been a while since the last time i cried. it's good to cry, it helps you get things out.
yo ni sé nada de nada.
i hate this uncertainty. not knowing what to do or what's happening is killing me. i guess i just have to take it as it comes y punto.
perhaps if i keep my mind positive good things will come.. right v? ill try my best even though i've been indifferent towards the future. it is imminent and i don't have a clue what to expect from it.
i've always had all these plans of what i would do with my life. it was all so clear. now i don't know what i'll do.... it all seems so unreachable. i know i just have to set my mind to it, lots of effort and dedication.. but what do you do when you don't know what you want to do?
life is happening now... gotta grab it by the horns.. gotta set my mind to find what i want... it can't be that hard...!
or can it?
it's been a while since the last time i cried. it's good to cry, it helps you get things out.
yo ni sé nada de nada.
i hate this uncertainty. not knowing what to do or what's happening is killing me. i guess i just have to take it as it comes y punto.
perhaps if i keep my mind positive good things will come.. right v? ill try my best even though i've been indifferent towards the future. it is imminent and i don't have a clue what to expect from it.
i've always had all these plans of what i would do with my life. it was all so clear. now i don't know what i'll do.... it all seems so unreachable. i know i just have to set my mind to it, lots of effort and dedication.. but what do you do when you don't know what you want to do?
life is happening now... gotta grab it by the horns.. gotta set my mind to find what i want... it can't be that hard...!
or can it?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
under pressure.
nothing is ever good enough for you... i try to make the effort to give you what i can... but there's always something that is not enough for your standards.
a day will come when i will stop trying to be better for you..... dont wait for it, it'll come unannounced.
im tired of this.
a day will come when i will stop trying to be better for you..... dont wait for it, it'll come unannounced.
im tired of this.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
swallowed in the sea.
just give me a little chance to do it... to cross this road...
i think you don't know the effect you have on me.. i mean. you could not be better to me.. its just that this affects me in a way it shouldn't... well, not that i shouldn't, it just doesn't do me any good at this precise moments and under the current circumstances.
please.. i was doing okay as i was... don't come and screw up my progress.. my heart can only take so much. do not come and disrupt this little time of quietness i've had. you have made me unfocused again.
please.. i was doing okay as i was... don't come and screw up my progress.. my heart can only take so much. do not come and disrupt this little time of quietness i've had. you have made me unfocused again.
ill finish this later.
i cant take this right now.
im over thinking tonight... its one of those nights.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
no reservations
a ti:
again with the people you see are going down and you cant do anything to stop them.
how can you be so close minded that you cant see the things that could be good to you... things that are logically correct... things that are socially accepted y hasta se espera de que sean asi...
that must not make sense in your square head... however.. im here for anything you need.. i think you are aware of that.. i hope you are aware of that...
i love you. always.
a ti:
como es que hablas de las cosas mas complidacas de la forma mas simple? como es que aun asi te compliques la existencia con esas nimiedades que ni al caso.. digo nimiedades porque no son mias, si fueran mias, tal vez fueran los vientos de las tormentas que se producen en el vaso de agua que es mi vida.. tal vez no. aunque probablemente si.
algun dia, tal vez, podria ser.. que yo sepa de las causas de tus tribulaciones.. mientras tanto me mantengo al margen, solo eso puedo hacer.
para ti:
pk eso se tiene que interponer?.. por que las cosas no pueden simplemente ser y ya? un mundo sin las verdades a medias y mentiras enteras es en el que necesitamos vivir.
que pena que sea todo un pensamiento utópico.
again with the people you see are going down and you cant do anything to stop them.
how can you be so close minded that you cant see the things that could be good to you... things that are logically correct... things that are socially accepted y hasta se espera de que sean asi...
that must not make sense in your square head... however.. im here for anything you need.. i think you are aware of that.. i hope you are aware of that...
i love you. always.
a ti:
como es que hablas de las cosas mas complidacas de la forma mas simple? como es que aun asi te compliques la existencia con esas nimiedades que ni al caso.. digo nimiedades porque no son mias, si fueran mias, tal vez fueran los vientos de las tormentas que se producen en el vaso de agua que es mi vida.. tal vez no. aunque probablemente si.
algun dia, tal vez, podria ser.. que yo sepa de las causas de tus tribulaciones.. mientras tanto me mantengo al margen, solo eso puedo hacer.
para ti:
pk eso se tiene que interponer?.. por que las cosas no pueden simplemente ser y ya? un mundo sin las verdades a medias y mentiras enteras es en el que necesitamos vivir.
que pena que sea todo un pensamiento utópico.
Friday, March 21, 2008
it's the end of the world as we know it and i don't feel fine
las cosas siempre se extreman.
you know when there's something you have to do but keep procrastinating it till there's a better time to do it? thats what happened when i wanted to upgrade my laptop silvie's HD.... the F* planets decided i shouldn't keep waiting till i had the money saved... there's no time better than now.. so yeah. my laptop's HD got all fucked up and decided to stop working.. how considerate, right? ... NOT!.. all my work from la universidad are there.. all my pictures.. all my music.. EVERYTHING!.
everyone keeps saying "you should've done a backup" .. fucking thank you, thats REALLY helpful in this precise moment. your empathy blows my mind right now.
yesterday was one of those days were anything could go wrong... a disturbing phone call at 7:30 am, while i was still in bed, with work at 8:30... i spilled my coffee on my bed... i got to work and my laptop was dead... my 'supportive' friends.. it was funny when i hit me that my laptop's 'episode' could cost me over 7000 pesos.. de lo que no tengo nada... porque habia decidido esperar a cambiar el HD hasta que tuviera el dinero ahorrado.. pero no... thats not good enough for the planets.
the day ended with a lovely dinner with some of my girls... that was like the only good thing of the day... awesome sushi with awesome friends! love you girls! thanks for making the day at least a bit decent.
today.. i got to sleep till 10 am.. that was okay... why would today be a sucky day too? no apparent reason right?.. RIGHT. after spending like an hour and a half in the crowded supermarket.. fui a echarle aire a una goma del carro que taba bajita... bueno.. pues.. el carro tiene la mania de que de un dia asi de la nada, la alarma dejo de funcionar.. y ahora le ha cogio con que la alrma funciona y de to.. pue jevi.. toy echando el aire... y el carro coge la alarma.. tu sabe que yo deje la llave adentor junto con mi cel en el carro verdad? con la puerta que cerre pk se me olvido que la alarma taba funcionando..... eso fue muy gracioso-.... quedarme mas de una hora en una bomba, con to los panas y un alambre dulce tratando de abrir el carro por la equinita de la puerta que taba floja...que mi mama me trancara el telefono cuando yo la llame pa decile eso... y que un motorista me gritara
"se te quedo la llave adentro mami?"
"que tu cree pendejo?"
"quiere que te lo vaya a abrir?"
"ay ssssiii!"
por lo menos me rei un chin... el pana de la gasolinera pudo abrir el seguro con el mega alambre y pude llegar a mi casa a comer y a dormir hasta las 6 de la tarde..
por lo menos.. dios no nos pone pruebas que no podamos superar..
el lunes me dan el veredicto de silvie... i so hope the 'doctor' can save all the files of the HD... i dont know what to do. i'm anxious.
en otro tema totalmente diferente.
si tu sabe que ta haciendo algo malo... que te perjudica especificamente a ti... pa que conio lo hace?...
na, e tu vida.. tu ere grande.. haz lo que te de la gana.
i love you and cant help to worry about you.. but at the end you are the one who takes the decisions of your life... i can only point out possible mistakes.
it's easy to see the things that can go workg with other's peoples lives.. but when it comes to you own, we are blind.
you know when there's something you have to do but keep procrastinating it till there's a better time to do it? thats what happened when i wanted to upgrade my laptop silvie's HD.... the F* planets decided i shouldn't keep waiting till i had the money saved... there's no time better than now.. so yeah. my laptop's HD got all fucked up and decided to stop working.. how considerate, right? ... NOT!.. all my work from la universidad are there.. all my pictures.. all my music.. EVERYTHING!.
everyone keeps saying "you should've done a backup" .. fucking thank you, thats REALLY helpful in this precise moment. your empathy blows my mind right now.
yesterday was one of those days were anything could go wrong... a disturbing phone call at 7:30 am, while i was still in bed, with work at 8:30... i spilled my coffee on my bed... i got to work and my laptop was dead... my 'supportive' friends.. it was funny when i hit me that my laptop's 'episode' could cost me over 7000 pesos.. de lo que no tengo nada... porque habia decidido esperar a cambiar el HD hasta que tuviera el dinero ahorrado.. pero no... thats not good enough for the planets.
the day ended with a lovely dinner with some of my girls... that was like the only good thing of the day... awesome sushi with awesome friends! love you girls! thanks for making the day at least a bit decent.
today.. i got to sleep till 10 am.. that was okay... why would today be a sucky day too? no apparent reason right?.. RIGHT. after spending like an hour and a half in the crowded supermarket.. fui a echarle aire a una goma del carro que taba bajita... bueno.. pues.. el carro tiene la mania de que de un dia asi de la nada, la alarma dejo de funcionar.. y ahora le ha cogio con que la alrma funciona y de to.. pue jevi.. toy echando el aire... y el carro coge la alarma.. tu sabe que yo deje la llave adentor junto con mi cel en el carro verdad? con la puerta que cerre pk se me olvido que la alarma taba funcionando..... eso fue muy gracioso-.... quedarme mas de una hora en una bomba, con to los panas y un alambre dulce tratando de abrir el carro por la equinita de la puerta que taba floja...que mi mama me trancara el telefono cuando yo la llame pa decile eso... y que un motorista me gritara
"se te quedo la llave adentro mami?"
"que tu cree pendejo?"
"quiere que te lo vaya a abrir?"
"ay ssssiii!"
por lo menos me rei un chin... el pana de la gasolinera pudo abrir el seguro con el mega alambre y pude llegar a mi casa a comer y a dormir hasta las 6 de la tarde..
por lo menos.. dios no nos pone pruebas que no podamos superar..
el lunes me dan el veredicto de silvie... i so hope the 'doctor' can save all the files of the HD... i dont know what to do. i'm anxious.
en otro tema totalmente diferente.
si tu sabe que ta haciendo algo malo... que te perjudica especificamente a ti... pa que conio lo hace?...
na, e tu vida.. tu ere grande.. haz lo que te de la gana.
i love you and cant help to worry about you.. but at the end you are the one who takes the decisions of your life... i can only point out possible mistakes.
it's easy to see the things that can go workg with other's peoples lives.. but when it comes to you own, we are blind.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
wave goodbye.
how can something that doesn't "exist", suffer a tragic death...?
something that didn't even "start", die?...
it makes no sense.. but it did... everything that was against it played the supporting rolls on that movie, on wich i was the antagonist. it appeared by itself and it started creeping up on me. it made all change in so little time. as quickly as it appeared, i decided it was time to stop.
something that didn't even "start", die?...
it makes no sense.. but it did... everything that was against it played the supporting rolls on that movie, on wich i was the antagonist. it appeared by itself and it started creeping up on me. it made all change in so little time. as quickly as it appeared, i decided it was time to stop.
it's now time to continue gazing at the greater picture..
it's time to move on... to "better" things.. [who says they are/can be better?]
it's time to focus on the bright colors of life.
it's now time to get what i want.. now.
it's time to wave goodbye
it's time to move on... to "better" things.. [who says they are/can be better?]
it's time to focus on the bright colors of life.
it's now time to get what i want.. now.
it's time to wave goodbye
Friday, March 7, 2008
este mundo va.
i feel like a ton of weight has come off of my shoulders
hoy a las 5 pm entrego mi 2do parcial de creatividad publicitaria I. este trabajo tenia varias semanas carcomiendome la mente.. estoy SUPER contenta con el concepto que ideé.. ahora solo falta el veredicto de matilde :]
at last... some peace and quiet.
nothing urgent to do.
haciendo tiempo para irme del trabajo.
que bien se siente.
me estreso muy facilmente... y más aun en estos días que no dejo de tener cosas que hacer.aunque de cierta forma, soy muy impredecible.. ya que hay cosas que ni me inmutan.. y cosas que debo hacer por las que me preocupo en exceso y a la hora de hacerlas me doy cuenta de que toda la preocupación fue innecesaria.
añoro un día en que pueda levantarme a la hora que me de la gana... que no tenga nada que hacer so i can could catch up with all the tv shows i love and have neglected.
hoy me juntaré con mis amigos del colegio a despejar la mente y a hacer absolutamente nada. yei for me!
cosas que tengo pendiente:
- un día relax en la playa.
- write more
-comenzar a leer de nuevo.
- dejar de ser tan volátil en cuanto a mi humor
- catch up on grey's, men in trees and gossip girl
-post all the pictures from this and last week
PAPITOUR MANIANA!.. what i've been waiting for! <333
disclaimer #2
i'm sorry, but i don't know what i'm doing with this.
i don't have the slightest idea of what the consequences will be with what i'm *cough*we are*cough* doing
i wish i understoood a bit more of why i do some of the things i do..
pero como dicen por ahí.. el corazón tiene razones que la razon desconoce
let's just see where it goes.
hoy a las 5 pm entrego mi 2do parcial de creatividad publicitaria I. este trabajo tenia varias semanas carcomiendome la mente.. estoy SUPER contenta con el concepto que ideé.. ahora solo falta el veredicto de matilde :]
at last... some peace and quiet.
nothing urgent to do.
haciendo tiempo para irme del trabajo.
que bien se siente.
me estreso muy facilmente... y más aun en estos días que no dejo de tener cosas que hacer.aunque de cierta forma, soy muy impredecible.. ya que hay cosas que ni me inmutan.. y cosas que debo hacer por las que me preocupo en exceso y a la hora de hacerlas me doy cuenta de que toda la preocupación fue innecesaria.
añoro un día en que pueda levantarme a la hora que me de la gana... que no tenga nada que hacer so i can could catch up with all the tv shows i love and have neglected.
hoy me juntaré con mis amigos del colegio a despejar la mente y a hacer absolutamente nada. yei for me!
cosas que tengo pendiente:
- un día relax en la playa.
- write more
-comenzar a leer de nuevo.
- dejar de ser tan volátil en cuanto a mi humor
- catch up on grey's, men in trees and gossip girl
-post all the pictures from this and last week
PAPITOUR MANIANA!.. what i've been waiting for! <333
disclaimer #2
i'm sorry, but i don't know what i'm doing with this.
i don't have the slightest idea of what the consequences will be with what i'm *cough*we are*cough* doing
i wish i understoood a bit more of why i do some of the things i do..
pero como dicen por ahí.. el corazón tiene razones que la razon desconoce
let's just see where it goes.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
for your eyes only
i cannot feel sorry for you... im not a bitch so i cant feel happy either.
as i once said, karma is a bitch .
you get what you give.
so next time.. be a lil more careful with what you do. dont be so impulsive... think things through. consider the ones youre afecting with what you do. dont be so selfish.
i hope you can be happy.
how does it taste?.. that spoonful of your own medicine... sounds bitter.
as i once said, karma is a bitch .
you get what you give.
so next time.. be a lil more careful with what you do. dont be so impulsive... think things through. consider the ones youre afecting with what you do. dont be so selfish.
i hope you can be happy.
how does it taste?.. that spoonful of your own medicine... sounds bitter.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
how about it mate?
How about no longer being masochistic
How about remembering your divinity
How about unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How about not equating death with stopping
How about remembering your divinity
How about unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How about not equating death with stopping
Monday, February 25, 2008
como es que de un momento a otro el dia puede tornarse de otro color? los recuerdos son capaces de esto. it seems these days people don't wanna make the effort to improve, it looks like it's easier to do nothing for yourself, get worse and take the "easy" way out.
when i feel sad, or happy or cranky or whatever, i like to talk about it. keeping it bottled inside is not gonna do any good for anyone... eventually it starts to get crowded inside and it explodes. some people write to vent, others paint... the point is, do what you have to do to feel better without having to go to the extremes... it wont do any good for you or the people who are around you. some people like to listen, it's not hard to find them.
it's funny how a song on the radio can make you cry.. no exactamente por lo que se trate la cancion... but the song just triggers things inside of you and emotions have to come out in some way. Incubus can always do that for me.
i miss emi so much... i miss music. it's so boring and sad to walk with just the street's soundtrack.. car noises, las bocinas, people talking in cars, loud and obnoxius music... sigh.. deseo que vuelvan los dias en que caminar era algo terapeutico para mi. oir musica y ventilar mis pensamientos con melodias era mi desahogo. i wish those days would be here again.
i wish...
i wish for so much..
we humans are never satisfied with what we have. there's always the thirst for more and more and more.
right now... just a detail could change it all..

when i feel sad, or happy or cranky or whatever, i like to talk about it. keeping it bottled inside is not gonna do any good for anyone... eventually it starts to get crowded inside and it explodes. some people write to vent, others paint... the point is, do what you have to do to feel better without having to go to the extremes... it wont do any good for you or the people who are around you. some people like to listen, it's not hard to find them.
it's funny how a song on the radio can make you cry.. no exactamente por lo que se trate la cancion... but the song just triggers things inside of you and emotions have to come out in some way. Incubus can always do that for me.
i miss emi so much... i miss music. it's so boring and sad to walk with just the street's soundtrack.. car noises, las bocinas, people talking in cars, loud and obnoxius music... sigh.. deseo que vuelvan los dias en que caminar era algo terapeutico para mi. oir musica y ventilar mis pensamientos con melodias era mi desahogo. i wish those days would be here again.
i wish...
i wish for so much..
we humans are never satisfied with what we have. there's always the thirst for more and more and more.
right now... just a detail could change it all..
it doenst look like it will change..
i'm running in circles
i'm running in circles
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Why can't life be any easier? One should be able to just have what they want. Piece of cake. Simple equation:
I want something + you want something = awesome.
Pero como la vida es una maldita chancleta... obviamente las cosas nunca van a ser facil o por lo menos nunca suelen ser tan faciles como parecen o deberían de ser.
Yo tampoco hago que la vida me sea menos dificl. Im an overthinker... it's a disease... i would love to just say fuck it... dont care.... vamo a eto. pero no.. le tengo que dar 234876345876 vuelta a todo en mi mente.
Por qué?
no lo sé.
Tengo problemas con la toma de desiciones... creo que eso no ayuda tampoco.
que se le va a hacer... i'm the only one that can work on that..
dear friends who are like that... have you been able to change that in yourselves?
if so, any help would be awesome.
kthanks. ;]
ps. i love you.
I want something + you want something = awesome.
Pero como la vida es una maldita chancleta... obviamente las cosas nunca van a ser facil o por lo menos nunca suelen ser tan faciles como parecen o deberían de ser.
Yo tampoco hago que la vida me sea menos dificl. Im an overthinker... it's a disease... i would love to just say fuck it... dont care.... vamo a eto. pero no.. le tengo que dar 234876345876 vuelta a todo en mi mente.
Por qué?
no lo sé.
Tengo problemas con la toma de desiciones... creo que eso no ayuda tampoco.
que se le va a hacer... i'm the only one that can work on that..
dear friends who are like that... have you been able to change that in yourselves?
if so, any help would be awesome.
kthanks. ;]
ps. i love you.
Friday, February 22, 2008
hand in my pocket.
Ayer fue uno de esos dias... queria todo, pero tenia ganas para nada. El dolor de cabeza que tuve durante el dia tiñó mi humor de gris.
Ultimamente me he sentido extraña. No toy como por que me jodan mucho, y toy cogiendo cuerda bien facil... la gente me exhaspera y como que mi grado de tolerancia a la estupidez ha llegado a su tope. La gente salta con unas cosas que me chocan tanto.. i'm just fed up. Seria aperisimo como que uno pudiera borrar a algunas personas... no dique que se murieran ni na... sino como que hubera sido mejor que nunca hubieran tenido contacto conmigo. Son de esa gente que hasta su voz irrita... Tambien seria aperisimo tener un control como pa poner esa gente en mute... asi, algo como la película click... Alguien sabe a quien tengo que contactar pa que me hagan uno de eso!? ... yo wa llama a cheo a ver si el conoce a alquien..... 8-)
Existen otras personas con comportamientos erraticos, que hacen las cosas escondidas y creen que nunca los van a descubrir. Dunno if it's the thrill of the "might get caught" posibility or what... it's just plain stupid. Specially when you go behind your "friends" back. Usemos la lógica. Por algo esa persona es tu amigo. Pienso que la amistad, al igual que cualquier relación, se basa en la confianza.. asi que cual es la necesidad de irte por detrás de esa persona en la que se supone que confías y básicamente traicionarla?. That's a no-no for me. With honesty you can go everywhere. Trust is a must for any human relationship!
Yo como que toy en analizar gente hoy... very Freud of me... but without all the sexual connotations :]
Me molestan las personas que solo tienen compromisos con si mismas. Es dificil mantener una amistad con alguien asi... one can only give so much... usually, those people only give when there's personal gain for themselves. Friendship is a two-way street.. Y depue vienen quejandose y sacandole en cara que uno se aleja... ay sssiii... Por algo es que las cosas pasan.. primero revisese usted a ver si es por algo que usted hizo antes de reclamarle a la otra persona.. :]
On a different note.....
En estos dias me he sentido un poco desganada. Me siento exhausta. Quiero dormir. Necesito dormir. Antes mi horario era bastante cómodo... universidad en la maniana, mi tarde era para dormir y en la noche hacía tarea... piece of cake! Lamentablemente uno crece, y tiene la necesidad de trabajar y dejar de ser una carga de la sociedad. Con la madurez vienen las responsabilidades, y con ellas el cansancio. 500,000 vainas pa la universidad.. uno nunca sale de un examen o de algo para entregar... can't wait to get out of here and move to Barcelona... I have the feeling it will be easier to fit there.

My weekend looks like it's gonna be aweome! Roadtrip para Bonao el sabado. El museo de Candido Bidó no me emociona, pero luego iremos a la casa de Christian Tiburcio, quiensea que sea ese jevo... Todas mis espectativas están en esta parada. Esa casa está hecha completamente de mosaicos... algo asi como Gaudí, que es de los artistas que más admiro, de una de mis ciudades favoritas. I'm mostly going just to take pictures there, wich i'll post in the next few days... im coo-coo for colors and art! :]
Sunday's the most exciting day! Valerie is doing a 'surreal' photoshoot in las Dunas de Baní for her final project of her photography class. I'll be one of the models! :D
I'm so happy! she has an amazing eye for taking pictures and i'm glad she's using it! It'll be loads of fun! i hope she still casts me as a model when she becomes a famous photographer in Europe. ;)
No voy a tener chance de descansar, pero al menos será divertido..
Hoy me levanté con deseos de oir un poco de Alanis.. let's hope que el torrent se baje hoy! La letra de "Hand in my pocket" habla de muchas de las paradojas de la vida.
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful
She states things so easiily y uno aqui rompiendose la cabeza...
Toy harta de escribir... peace out.
PS. A random statement: i want to learn portuguese SO much... dammit.
Ultimamente me he sentido extraña. No toy como por que me jodan mucho, y toy cogiendo cuerda bien facil... la gente me exhaspera y como que mi grado de tolerancia a la estupidez ha llegado a su tope. La gente salta con unas cosas que me chocan tanto.. i'm just fed up. Seria aperisimo como que uno pudiera borrar a algunas personas... no dique que se murieran ni na... sino como que hubera sido mejor que nunca hubieran tenido contacto conmigo. Son de esa gente que hasta su voz irrita... Tambien seria aperisimo tener un control como pa poner esa gente en mute... asi, algo como la película click... Alguien sabe a quien tengo que contactar pa que me hagan uno de eso!? ... yo wa llama a cheo a ver si el conoce a alquien..... 8-)
Existen otras personas con comportamientos erraticos, que hacen las cosas escondidas y creen que nunca los van a descubrir. Dunno if it's the thrill of the "might get caught" posibility or what... it's just plain stupid. Specially when you go behind your "friends" back. Usemos la lógica. Por algo esa persona es tu amigo. Pienso que la amistad, al igual que cualquier relación, se basa en la confianza.. asi que cual es la necesidad de irte por detrás de esa persona en la que se supone que confías y básicamente traicionarla?. That's a no-no for me. With honesty you can go everywhere. Trust is a must for any human relationship!
Yo como que toy en analizar gente hoy... very Freud of me... but without all the sexual connotations :]
Me molestan las personas que solo tienen compromisos con si mismas. Es dificil mantener una amistad con alguien asi... one can only give so much... usually, those people only give when there's personal gain for themselves. Friendship is a two-way street.. Y depue vienen quejandose y sacandole en cara que uno se aleja... ay sssiii... Por algo es que las cosas pasan.. primero revisese usted a ver si es por algo que usted hizo antes de reclamarle a la otra persona.. :]
On a different note.....
En estos dias me he sentido un poco desganada. Me siento exhausta. Quiero dormir. Necesito dormir. Antes mi horario era bastante cómodo... universidad en la maniana, mi tarde era para dormir y en la noche hacía tarea... piece of cake! Lamentablemente uno crece, y tiene la necesidad de trabajar y dejar de ser una carga de la sociedad. Con la madurez vienen las responsabilidades, y con ellas el cansancio. 500,000 vainas pa la universidad.. uno nunca sale de un examen o de algo para entregar... can't wait to get out of here and move to Barcelona... I have the feeling it will be easier to fit there.
My weekend looks like it's gonna be aweome! Roadtrip para Bonao el sabado. El museo de Candido Bidó no me emociona, pero luego iremos a la casa de Christian Tiburcio, quiensea que sea ese jevo... Todas mis espectativas están en esta parada. Esa casa está hecha completamente de mosaicos... algo asi como Gaudí, que es de los artistas que más admiro, de una de mis ciudades favoritas. I'm mostly going just to take pictures there, wich i'll post in the next few days... im coo-coo for colors and art! :]
Sunday's the most exciting day! Valerie is doing a 'surreal' photoshoot in las Dunas de Baní for her final project of her photography class. I'll be one of the models! :D
I'm so happy! she has an amazing eye for taking pictures and i'm glad she's using it! It'll be loads of fun! i hope she still casts me as a model when she becomes a famous photographer in Europe. ;)
No voy a tener chance de descansar, pero al menos será divertido..
Hoy me levanté con deseos de oir un poco de Alanis.. let's hope que el torrent se baje hoy! La letra de "Hand in my pocket" habla de muchas de las paradojas de la vida.
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful
She states things so easiily y uno aqui rompiendose la cabeza...
Toy harta de escribir... peace out.
PS. A random statement: i want to learn portuguese SO much... dammit.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
my first post.
this will be the place to rant, comment interesting things and for whatever strikes the mood.
as for the title of this blog, "la vida es una chancleta"... it's a theory thats a bit hard to explain by writing, but i'll give it a shot.:
Life, or parts of it, can be compared to a chancleta very easily. When you get a new chancleta, it's all peachy and pretty and in perfect codition... then, things happen.. la chancleta se jode, se ensucia, se rompe... and so does life :)... i hope that was clear enough, thats as far as i get.. hehehe
po vamo' a lo que vinimo! let's start the ranting..
i'm in a quest this year... toy buscando mi animal*
En este año tengo muchas metas, entre ellas esta esa. Quiero encontrar las cosas que me hacen feliz. Tan simple como eso. No quiero esperar a que las cosas pasen... i wanna be happy NOW. Como oí en una pelicula ('PS, i love you', wich i highly recommend if you like chick flicks like The Notebook), "This is it, don't wait for life to happen."
So that's what i' doing, i'm just being proactive. No expectations, taking everything as it comes and being responsible for my happiness.
en otro tema totalmente distinto..
Muchas veces, uno hace cosas sin sentido aparente... cosas ilogicas que ocurren sin uno darse cuenta.
I wanna figure out why i do some of the things i do. If i decided to do something, why do A YEAR LATER i star having second thoughts about it?... it makes no sense, but it is what it is.. Me he dado cuenta de que hay algunas personas en mi vida que son mas importantes e indispensables de lo que yo pensaba... y lo grande es que uno se da cuenta de la forma MAS estupida, como cuando uno empieza a celar a un amigo/a o cuando uno quiere ser mas amigo de esa persona (osea, preocuparse mas por esa persona, juntarse mas con ella, etc)... no se, el punto es que me di cuenta de eso.
I can give thanks because i have some VERY good friends right now, people i know i can trust and i am sure that it's all both ways.
Im eager to post this, so ill keep ranting on about other things that are bothering me, some time soon.
*oir: Marel Alemany - Mi Animal.
this will be the place to rant, comment interesting things and for whatever strikes the mood.
as for the title of this blog, "la vida es una chancleta"... it's a theory thats a bit hard to explain by writing, but i'll give it a shot.:
Life, or parts of it, can be compared to a chancleta very easily. When you get a new chancleta, it's all peachy and pretty and in perfect codition... then, things happen.. la chancleta se jode, se ensucia, se rompe... and so does life :)... i hope that was clear enough, thats as far as i get.. hehehe
po vamo' a lo que vinimo! let's start the ranting..
i'm in a quest this year... toy buscando mi animal*
En este año tengo muchas metas, entre ellas esta esa. Quiero encontrar las cosas que me hacen feliz. Tan simple como eso. No quiero esperar a que las cosas pasen... i wanna be happy NOW. Como oí en una pelicula ('PS, i love you', wich i highly recommend if you like chick flicks like The Notebook), "This is it, don't wait for life to happen."
So that's what i' doing, i'm just being proactive. No expectations, taking everything as it comes and being responsible for my happiness.
en otro tema totalmente distinto..
Muchas veces, uno hace cosas sin sentido aparente... cosas ilogicas que ocurren sin uno darse cuenta.
I wanna figure out why i do some of the things i do. If i decided to do something, why do A YEAR LATER i star having second thoughts about it?... it makes no sense, but it is what it is.. Me he dado cuenta de que hay algunas personas en mi vida que son mas importantes e indispensables de lo que yo pensaba... y lo grande es que uno se da cuenta de la forma MAS estupida, como cuando uno empieza a celar a un amigo/a o cuando uno quiere ser mas amigo de esa persona (osea, preocuparse mas por esa persona, juntarse mas con ella, etc)... no se, el punto es que me di cuenta de eso.
I can give thanks because i have some VERY good friends right now, people i know i can trust and i am sure that it's all both ways.
Im eager to post this, so ill keep ranting on about other things that are bothering me, some time soon.
*oir: Marel Alemany - Mi Animal.
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