también creo que las decisiones que uno toma en la vida te llevan a encrucijadas en las que Dios te da lo que necesitas.. ya sea por el camino más difícil o el más "fácil".... generalmente lo que uno quiere y lo que uno necesita son cosas totalmente distintas.. hay veces que corremos la "suerte" de que eso que queremos es igual a lo que necesitamos, solo a veces... el key del asunto está en que esas dos cosas siempre vayan de la mano, lo cual es muy dificil de lograr..
todos estamos en ese camino.. de saber lo que queremos, y de obtenerlo. most of the time, we tend to get blinded by the little things that happen along the way. we get sidetracked and forget about what we wanted in the first place.
right now im trying to figure out what i want. you might say that's an easy thing, like i thought when i was youger.. back then it was so easy, i always knew what i wanted to study and what i wanted to achieve in life.. as i walk through life some things get blurry. as of now, i am certain i want to get out of here for some time (not permanently). i was sure i wanted to move to Barcelona and do something in graphic design.. which is very basic and i want to do something more specific... something that allows me to stand out from the big community.. the problem is that i don't

i've also contemplated the idea of moving with my sister (which would be the greatest!) and do some courses till i find the perfect thing in Barcelona.
... i don't know.. but what i do know is that all this uncertainty about EVERYTHING makes me anxious and queasy.
i wish things were simpler y que uno no tuviera que irse tanto en contra de la corriente para lograr lo que uno quiere.
No podría entenderte más si fuera... tu misma!.. eh.. tamos en las mismas in a way.. trying to figure out what we really want para ser lo unico que sabemos queremos hacer: stand out and push ourselves to be the best of whats around!..
Pero, as we make our way thru life, we'll figure it out.. i know everything will be alright :)
<3 u!
T I M E... thats all, let things flow... take your time... meditate...
DISCLAIMER: my comment will be completely out of my boundaries since I certainly don’t know you, but wtf? I don’t care :P
“wish things were simpler y que uno no tuviera que irse tanto en contra de la corriente para lograr lo que uno quiere. "i wish things were simpler y que uno no tuviera que irse tanto en contra de la corriente para lograr lo que uno quiere."
Simple answer; is not and it will not be, intricate answer; life is what you make of it. Y los sacrificio pagan, muy bien, a largo tiempo pero pagan =]
Perhaps making decisions is one of the biggest problems you will confront in life but in reality sticking to that decision is the indisputable dilemma, being consistent. Make up your mind for once and fix to it. And keep pushing until you absolutely cannot keep pushing. Don’t give up. Your head will always be entangle with the "what if? what if?" but you’re just going to be afraid of making the wrong decision, SO WHAT IF IS WRONG? Good deal you’re pretty damn young and you will make a lot of mistakes that will give you experience, you have a lot of mistakes ahead of you, so you better start making them.
wow! it took me a while to find out who you were :p
you certainly dont know me pero no pudiste haber dado mas en el clavo!
i have issues with making decisions, im always afraid of making the wrong one and i certainly always over think the what ifs in life... in fact, i over think everything.. eso me ha frenado de muchas experiencias pero creo que conforme voy viviendo, voy aprendiendo a vivir mas en el momento y no pensar tanto las cosas.
ay mija...tu no sabe na'!!
no te imaginas el millar de gente que estan just like you...empezando por mi y mucha gente mas que conozco...
Siempre buscamos lo mejor, which is never the easiest thing to do. Llegara el momento en ke we'll have to choose...FAST...we'll choose right cuz time tells...or at least is what they say. I believe it cuz estoy estudiando medicina...y a cada rato tengo ke tomar decisiones...y esta fue definitivamente la mas grande! [la d estudiar esto]
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