when i feel sad, or happy or cranky or whatever, i like to talk about it. keeping it bottled inside is not gonna do any good for anyone... eventually it starts to get crowded inside and it explodes. some people write to vent, others paint... the point is, do what you have to do to feel better without having to go to the extremes... it wont do any good for you or the people who are around you. some people like to listen, it's not hard to find them.
it's funny how a song on the radio can make you cry.. no exactamente por lo que se trate la cancion... but the song just triggers things inside of you and emotions have to come out in some way. Incubus can always do that for me.
i miss emi so much... i miss music. it's so boring and sad to walk with just the street's soundtrack.. car noises, las bocinas, people talking in cars, loud and obnoxius music... sigh.. deseo que vuelvan los dias en que caminar era algo terapeutico para mi. oir musica y ventilar mis pensamientos con melodias era mi desahogo. i wish those days would be here again.
i wish...
i wish for so much..
we humans are never satisfied with what we have. there's always the thirst for more and more and more.
right now... just a detail could change it all..
it doenst look like it will change..
i'm running in circles
i'm running in circles
esto estuvo interesanton... :]
i agree with you......sometimes i feel like that too.
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